Successful Opening

The ‘Opening’ at the Rawnsley Park Woolshed Restaurant-Gallery for the ‘Brush with Art’ festival in the Flinders Ranges was very successful. Sharon Brett and I were the exhibiting artists. Sally and Jon Dean, as usual, went to great lengths to provide a venue full of character and wine and nibbles to stimulate the taste buds….and  a fun time for all. The big bonus was eight(8) sales for me (from 21 pieces).  The main buyers were tourists from the caravan park, with my art now to be couriered to Western Australia, Victoria, NSW and Queensland and one to England!!!!!

JIm and Shaz Green were on a high and since the opening  three more have sold ( so far??)

Look at the ‘Opening of Dimensions of Wilpena Pound’ page for photos and information.

The ‘Gallery – Dimensions of Wilpena Pound’ page  is now also up for your perusal.